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Brianna Nelson

President & Founder

Brianna Nelson is a Community Organizer with All of Us or None Wisconsin. She is also, a  Minnesota native, who was inspired by the George Floyd police involved death to get heavily  into Community Organizing. 


Brianna Nelson has always had a zeal for her people. She was also an organizer with her  church home at Invisible Reality Ministries, where she worked with and alongside Common  Ground and MICHA for a couple of years. After the death of George Floyd due to police  excessive force, Brianna took her justified anger to the streets of Milwaukee, protesting and  chanting “No Justice! No Peace”! 


Since then, Brianna has expanded her scope of focus, starting her own organization for women  in activism, called Sister’s Keepers MKE. Her focus is geared towards liberating the voices and  leadership of women in activism, as she saw a gaping hole in this aspect of the Justice  Movement. Her goal is to also work with women transitioning back into the community from  prison. As in Brianna’s own words “These are fresh minds untainted by the perils of society and  eager to give back, they deserve a second chance too!” 


Brianna Nelson came from a family of philanthropists and is now working on her museum to  continue her family’s legacy of philanthropy. In partnership with super stars like Kurtis Blow and  the Universal HipHop Museum she will achieve her goal. Brianna Nelson is the daughter of the  late and esteemed Duane Nelson Sr., who was the brother of the iconic late great Prince  Rogers Nelson, formerly known to the world as “Prince “or “The Artist”. Duane Nelson was the  man behind Prince and was Brianna Nelson’s father, who story she will tell by virtue of this  museum.

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